Frequently Asked Questions for Facial Taping
What is Facial Taping?
Pretty much just like it sounds, it is the strategic taping of the face in a very specific way in order to keep muscles from moving and dynamic wrinkles from forming.
The mechanism behind Facial Taping is that it works by lifting the epidermis of the skin (ever so slightly) and allows blood and lymph to flow more freely. This can improve circulation and reduce inflammation. It also allows for small incremental changes to be made to the fascia as the muscle is stationary under the tape, which leads to a new muscle memory. Increasing blood and lymph to the area is always a plus since it will bring needed nutrients and remove excess toxins.
How many times do I need to apply the tape?
We recommend that you do daily Facial Taping for 30 days to get the best results. After that, taping can be done a few times a week.
Can I use the same tape as used for the body?
NO! You can not use the same tape, it needs to be tape specific for facial taping. The tape used is a type of Kinesiology tape, but most Kinesiology tape can not be used on the face. The adhesive is much too strong for the delicate tissues of the face. Please don’t use body tape on your face.
What tape do you recommend for Facial Taping?
We recommend the ‘Gentle’ tape from Spider Tech or the ‘Gold Light Touch’ tape from Kinesio. KT has come out with a ‘Gentle’ tape as well but we have not yet tried it.
We sell the tape at the office so it is really simple to just grab a roll at your next treatment.
What is the tape made of?
The tape is made from 100% cotton and only uses hypoallergenic glue. The glue is put on in strips so there is air flow through the tape, so it is very comfortable to wear overnight.
This type of tape has elasticity which is is similar to the elasticity of human skin. However, it will only stretch one direction, which makes it easier for application.
What is the difference between the 2 types of taping?
Lymphatic Taping is for draining and supporting proper lymphatic flow. It can reduce puffiness of the face and eye area. It can also reduce double chins and support a sharper jawline. This type of taping is worn for a few hours at a time, while you are moving around during the day. This taping uses smaller sections in a fan like design.
Night Taping is more for wrinkle reducing results. This type of taping can help to reduce sleep lines, and dynamic wrinkles that are formed with muscle movement. This taping is worn overnight while you are sleeping. By taping the skin in a specific way, it keeps the muscles from moving and creating the wrinkles. When done over time, it can help to retrain the fascia for better muscle memory for a more toned appearance. This taping works on the relaxation of the muscles in hypertonicity and activating muscles in hypotonicity. This taping uses thicker solid strips when applied.
I am allergic to latex, can I still use the tape?
Yes, there is no latex in the tape we use. However, we always recommend when starting any new skin applications to try a test patch on your skin. Just apply a small patch of the tape to the cheekbone and leave in place for about 30 minutes to an hour to double check that there is no reaction. If you are super sensitive, you can try a patch on the inside of your arm first and when that is ok, then move to your cheek, just to be safe. If you want to test it out, just let us know and we will give you a sample patch to try out. We have never had an issue with anyone having a reaction.
How do I learn how to do Facial Taping?
We teach our Facial clients how to do Facial Taping based on their specific needs. We give homework that includes Facial Taping (along with facial cupping, facial gua sha, facial exercises and point stimulation) to all of our clients who are going through a treatment series with us. Our goal is to teach and empower you to learn how to have a better understanding of your skin’s health needs so you can have glowing skin for a lifetime!
Who shouldn’t do Facial Taping?
Facial Taping should NOT be done if someone has any of the following on the face:
Open Wounds
Fungal Infection
Viral Infection
Irritated Area / Rash
Additional Cautions:
Don’t tape over large moles, go around them
Don’t overstretch the skin or tape
Don’t tape after a MicroNeedling session for at least a week
Don’t tape the same area as a Botox injection for at least 3 months
Don’t tape over any area with injectable Fillers