Facial Cupping
Cupping is a gentle and relaxing treatment that has been used in TCM for centuries.
Facial Cupping is very different from body cupping and does not leave any marks on the skin whatsoever. It utilizes a gentle suction action that helps pull fresh nutrients into and through the tissues, increasing blood flow to the area. This soothing treatment is used on the face and neck to move stagnant lymph fluid, increase circulation, nourish tissues, reduce inflammation, invigorate the skin and help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. When there is more blood flow, more nutrients are in the tissue and the cells are able to work better.

Other benefits include:
Reduces puffiness
Helps to drain sinuses
Helps to lift, sculpt and define facial contours
Moves facial lymph
Relaxes muscles and softens fine lines and wrinkles
We use glass facial cups for our treatments in a variety of sizes depending on the area of the face on which we are working.
Learn how Facial Cupping integrates into our Signature Facial Rejuvenation Treatment

Already a Signature Client and want to maintain your radiance? Try our 30 minute Facial Rejuvenating boost today.
Get ready to bring your GLOW ON with our at home practitioner grade cupping kits.
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